
Odds Monday 18/04/16


It's monday again. So here are the new odds and what changed during the last week!

Behind the countries is the change compaired to last week!
1. Russia (-)
2. France (-)
3. Sweden (-)
4. Australia (-)
5. Malta (-)
6. Ukraine (-)
7. Armenia (+1)
8. Serbia (+1)
9. Latvia (-2)
10. Spain (-)
11. Bulgaria (-)
12. Poland (+2)
13. Croatia (-)
14. Italy (-2)
15. The Netherlands (+2)
16. Czech Republic (-)
17. Cyprus (+1)
18. Azerbaijan (-3)
19. Hungary (-)
20. Iceland (-)
21. Germany (-)
22. Austria (+1)
23. Norway (-1)
24. Israel (-)
25. Lithuania (+1)
26. Belgium (+1)
27. Ireland (-2)
28. Estonia (-)
29. United Kingdom (+1)
30. Denmark (-1)
31. Belarus (-)
32. FYR Macedonia (-)
33. Finland (-)
34. Greece (-)
35. Romania (-)
36. Georgia (+3)
37. Albania (-)
38. Bosnia & Herzegovina (-)
39. Moldova (+1)
40. Montenegro (+1)
41. San Marino (+1)
42. Slovenia (+1)
43. Switzerland (-7)

When taking a look at the odds from last week you can see, that the Top 6 are still the same and in the middle are some ups and some downs. The biggest down has Switzerland. They fall 7 places from place 36 to place 43. The biggest winner with a +3 to last week was Georgia!

Check back for more odds next monday!

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