
The Wait Is On (ESC Diary 08/2016)


All the national selections are over and it's time to wait for more news about the ESC 2016 and time to wait till it's finally May! This is what I'm looking forward to ->

It's the end of March and we still don't have the running order for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest! Last year we got the running order on March, 23rd 2015. So this is the No. 1 thing to wait for atm. As soon as the running order is released I'll start to review all the songs this year on this blog with a rating and what I think about their chances to qualify and what place they'll get in the final.

Next thing to really looking forward to is the official CD! The CD will be released on April 22nd in the official ESC store on Eurovision.tv and it's already available to pre-order on Amazon and also should be on iTunes! On the CD will be all the 43 songs that compete in this years Contest.

There are also lots of reviews coming up the next days on this blog about new music from former Eurovision related artists.

In one week the preparations in Stockholm will begin to build the stage for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest! Which means, that the actual contest isn't that far away as it seems!

In April I have to take 3 of my 4 final exams of the evening school and as soon as they are over, Eurovision is already there \o/

Get ready for the party of the year. You can also order some party stuff in the official Eurovision store to make your party the most fabulous Eurovision party ever <3

If you can't wait for the official CD to get released, you can also watch all the videos of the 43 acts on the official Eurovision Youtube Channel, like I do until the release of the CD :D

As you can see there is many things to look forward to and that Eurovision is closer than you might think ;)

For some daily updates you can also follow ESC Diary and me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram :) Links are at the top of the page :)

See ya


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